Why Your Morning Omelet Just Got More Expensive: Exploring The 2023 Egg Market

By Martin B

In 2023, the price of eggs skyrocketed due to a confluence of factors that have impacted the egg industry worldwide. The global egg shortage is primarily driven by a few key factors, including disease outbreaks among poultry flocks, changes in consumer demand, and increased competition for feed ingredients.

Source: @monserratsoldu/Pexels

One of the biggest drivers of the egg shortage has been the outbreak of avian influenza, also known as bird flu, which has hit poultry farms in several countries around the world. This highly contagious disease can decimate entire flocks of chickens, leading to a significant decrease in the supply of eggs.

In addition, many countries have implemented strict import and export regulations to prevent the spread of bird flu, which has further restricted the availability of eggs in some markets.

Another factor contributing to the egg shortage is changes in consumer demand. In recent years, there has been a shift towards plant-based diets, with many people choosing to eliminate or reduce their consumption of animal products.

This has led to a decrease in demand for eggs, which has, in turn, led some producers to reduce their output or exit the market altogether.

Source:  jcomp/Freepik

Finally, increased competition for feed ingredients has also impacted the egg industry. As more and more countries move towards biofuels and other forms of renewable energy, there has been a surge in demand for crops such as corn and soybeans, which are used to produce biofuels.

This increased demand has driven up the price of these crops, making them more expensive for egg producers to purchase as feed for their flocks.

Overall, the combination of these factors has led to a significant increase in the price of eggs worldwide, with some countries experiencing shortages and even rationing of eggs.

While it remains to be seen whether these trends will continue in the long term, the current egg shortage highlights the complex interplay of factors that can impact the global food supply chain.